Fort Lauderdale’s Premier Marine Gelcoat Services
Because a proper gelcoat is so expensive, many boat manufacturers skimp on this important step, and that means that boat owners will at some point need an expert in gelcoat repair. We at Patagonia Services Division, LLC understand the tedious process that’s involved in doing a proper gelcoat repair, which is why Fort Lauderdale boat owners have trusted us with their gelcoat repairs for over three decades.
What is Gelcoat and Why is it so Important?
Gelcoat is a resin that has a high amount of pigmentation, which is what gives the boat its color. But in addition to its beauty, it plays an important role in keeping mold from bonding with the boat’s fiberglass body. It does this with a mold release agent that’s present in the gelcoat.
The problem comes when a boat has been manufactured using a poor quality gelcoat. The lower quality gelcoats simply won’t stand up to the harsh Fort Lauderdale sun and unique environmental factors, and that makes gelcoat repair for some boat owners something that has to be done every few years because the surface begins to fade and chalk.
Why Choose Patagonia Services Divison?
A quality gelcoat repair can last for years. Rather than having to do a complete gelcoat repair every few years, when you use a quality gelcoat, you can simply buff and polish the surface to recreate that beautiful new shine. If you’re not sure whether your current gelcoat is of poor or higher quality, there’s an easy way to tell. If your boat turns dull after waxing it only a few months before, you’re likely dealing with poor quality, and in the Fort Lauderdale sun, that means you’ll have to have a gelcoat repair every few years.
When you take your boat or yacht in for a gelcoat repair, it’s important to take it to an expert who understands how to best do the repair. We will first need to diagnose your boat. Every boat is different, and will require a different approach.
How Does the Gelcoat Process Work?
The first thing we’ll do is look for small cracks, chips and scratches in the gelcoat finish. The fact that your boat or yacht has cracks doesn’t mean that you don’t take care of it. They usually result from everyday use when hard objects impact the boat. For instance, weights, heavy fish or shellfish, winch handles, and other tools can cause a ding in the gelcoat. We will inspect the areas more closely to determine if they are only surface dings or are an indication of bigger problems, such as structural damage.
Since we are Fort Lauderdale gelcoat repair experts, we will find the perfect match for your current gelcoat color. If this isn’t done properly, your boats finish will be off, and you won’t be pleased with the results.
Finally, your technician will make the gelcoat repairs, ensuring that not only will the boat be thoroughly prepared for the repair, but each step is meticulously adhered to so that the finish will show off your boat’s beauty.
We at Patagonia Services Division, LLC have been serving our Fort Lauderdale customers in gelcoat repair for over 30 years. If you need an expert to help you with yours, be sure to contact us today.